This is a place of harsh landscapes, of unrelenting
cold weather, of isolation, tough people and where the
polar bear reigns supreme. It’s also made for adventure.
Spending 24 days on a Stand Up Paddle, self supported,
camping wild, exploring the icescapes and staying out
of the near freezing waters seemed like the perfect place
to take some photos.
Icebergs are one of natures amazing art sculptures.
Endlessly ambiguous, days were passed slowly altering
perspectives, shapes, contours and the dimensions of
these sleeping giants. They were captivating and
stimulated us to paddle on.
Greenland was a PlanetVisible collaboration

Abstract Greenland Icebergs Warning: getimagesize( Failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 35 Abstract Composition Icebergs Greenland Supraglacial Lake Greenland Photography Drone Photography Greenland The play of light and shadows on the Icebergs, North West Greenland Shapes and Contours Icebergs Greenland Mountains of Icebergs Greenland Ice fields Greenland Stand Up Paddling Greenland Stand Up Paddling